Monday, 26 November 2012

The death of emoticons

I have looked and looked and looked: they're nowhere to be found. They should be in every text message, in most facebook profiles, in all emails somewhere, but no. Nowhere to be found.

I reluctantly started using emoticons when I first got a job. It was more out of being used to seeing them than because I thought they really brought something to my story. I found them childish. 

Then I found them useful
And used them so much all my emails were childish.

Thus, back to school with Generation Facebook kids, I expected to see them everywhere! But no: they do use points. Double points. Brackets. Slashes... All of them, but on they own!

Now, I couldn't be the childish-sounding one, really.
I had to readapt. 

Learn how to say Thank you with actual words, and how to try and be motivating (very important writing skill when trying to make a movie!) without smiling on my keyboard. 

Hard. Hard. Hard. 

RIP emoticons :(

PS: please note the hardcore use of punctuation here.

1 comment:

  1. Les emoticones c'était très lié à msn messenger dont la mort vient d être annoncée ds l'indifférence générale par Microsoft il y a qques semaines.
    So RIP msn too.
